Monday, September 8, 2008

NO SUGAR!... (for two weeks)

My friend Natalie asked if I wanted to do a "NO SUGAR" challenge with her and another girl from our ward, Sarah. I am all for a challenge! I have done the no sugar thing before and it was really hard, but I think it will be easier this time because, Kolby and I have already tried to eliminate all "high fructose corn syrup" out of our diets. Since it is in most ALL snack foods and many drinks, we have really adjusted our family's diets (and grown to LOVE Trader Joes!) So, here is how I did today...

I did pretty good for this first day except that I mistook a jar of "low sugar" jam for what I thought was "sugar free." It was only 5 grams, but still. Also, I realized that a certain protein bar that I love has 15 grams of sugar :( bummer. Anyway, it takes me a day or so to realize which foods I need to eliminate (like BBQ sauce!), but it will all come back to me quick, I'm sure.

No work out today - I had an eye doctor appointment in the morning that kind of threw me off! I've got to hit it hard tomorrow!

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