Friday, October 31, 2008

Deadline Adjustment

In my last post I mentioned my 5lbs-in-5-weeks challenge.  I was wrong on the dates and wanted to clarify... (in case there is anybody else out there who wants to take on the challenge with me, Carrie and my hubby). 

STARTING DATE: today (10/31)
END DATE: Friday, Dec. 5th

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Okay, so I'm a week behind...

I have no idea what has happened to this week!  Okay, actually, I do.  It all started with last Friday's "Trunk or Treat" that our ward did.  I decided I could handle "a few" little candies.  That few turned into a weekend binge for me that I have been recovering from ever since.  I have worked out GREAT every day in my attempts to recover; however, I don't think it will help.  I really will be happy if I stay the same weight as last week at tomorrow's weigh in... we'll see.  

Anyway, aside from the candy fest, I feel like I've done well in the "strength training" department.  I have spent extra time doing weights this week and have increased the amount of weight I've done.  I did plyometrics again this week and came away without the soreness I suffered from last week (success!)  I am also tracking my time on my mile runs and trying to beat it every time.  It has been good to push myself.  I have been walking in between each mile so I can focus on my time.  

After my weekend candy craze I have decided I need some clear set goals for myself.  I have TWO:
1. NO candy or sugar on Halloween (or the weekend following)
2. I am going to lose 5 lbs in 5 weeks!  (By December 1st)  
  * This goal is starting next Monday, since I am still trying to recover from my binge!  
Kolby is taking on this challenge with me, as well as my friend Carrie - so we'll see how it goes!  

Friday, October 24, 2008


I AM SO SORE! I did an hour long P90X Plyometrics video on Wednesday and I have not been able to really work out since. I did upper body weights on Thursday and then very casually did a bike today (but did it so I could read rather than get good exercise). I have not really gotten sore from my gym classes and it makes me wonder if I am working hard enough. I don't expect to feel sore after every class, but I want to know that I have exerted myself. I think I LIKE to feel sore every once in awhile. Anyway, aside from that, here is my run down for the week

Lost .7 pounds
Lost 1/2 inch off my thighs
Dropped an entire % of body weight!
(I am most excited about the % of body weight!)

Overall an okay week. Of course I wish I could lose these last 5 pound a little FASTER! but I am at least happy that it is progressing (slowly but surely).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday/Tuesday Report

Well, I thought I'd post a quick report on the last two days.  I have struggled with the sugar cravings, but have not given in.  I feel like I am so focused on NOT eating sugar and NOT letting myself get too hungry (with my eat-every-three-hours rule), that I have probably gone over on calories.  Monday was a good exercise day.  Yesterday was not.  I slept through my alarm and missed my early morning class.  Not eating after 8:00 is a big deal for me.  I usually go to bed hungry, but I take that as a good sign since I NEVER make good choices after 8:00 and I KNOW I have eaten plenty of calories.  Why would I eat a snack to curb the hunger when I'm just going to sleep on all those calories?  Anyway, so far so good.  Thank you Sara for challenging all of us to go strict on the sugar thing again.  It really is JUST what I needed.  I am not planning to lose anything this week (because of my sugar/calorie filled weekend), but we'll see.  

Until next time...

Monday, October 20, 2008

No Sugar (again)... a RE-COMMITTMENT

My friend Sara encouraged us girls to go OFF sugar again. So, I have re-committed myself. It is exactly what I need AFTER making sugar cookies with my kids over the weekend and sneaking in a daily treat nearly EVERY day last week. Today marks my first day on no sugar. It was a success and I feel optimistic. Here is my report for the day:

Ran 2 miles
20 minute abs class
hour long weights class

1800 calories (estimated)
about 50 ounces of water (I need MORE)

* New goal of mine:
- Eat within an hour of waking up, even if it is just something small (to kick my metabolism in gear), and...
- Do not go longer than 3 hours without eating something

Great Inspiration

My friend Carrie posted a link to this site on her blog and I found great inspiration in it. Here is a link to one particular post I enjoyed... it has good tips on how to keep your metabolism up (something I am going to try harder to work on)

Check it OUT

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I met my 5K GOAL!

Kolby was such a good husband to me today! Weeks ago I asked if he'd run a 5K with me and he graciously said he would. So, I started to "train." I know it is a shorter distance run, but I am NOT a runner and can't just pick up and run more than a mile. So, I've been adding a couple miles of running into my work-outs each day and did several 5K's this last week to get ready. Kolby's enthusiasm for the race was apparent by his preparation... NONE! On the way to the race, he reminded me that he could have been playing flag football at that moment, but that he loved me enough to miss. I (half-way) doubted how Kolby would do having not incorporated running into his workouts each day, but don't worry, he not only ran the whole thing just fine, he set the pace for me and helped me to run it well under my goal time! He keeps reminding me that I "won" because I sprinted at the end, even though it was just seconds ahead of him. Whatever, we "won" it together because he is AWESOME! Oh, I should mention that he DID walk away with blisters from his "running" shoes (weird and frustrating since they've never bothered him before... the mean side of me says "he deserves it!")

Anyway, it was fun! We ran with some friends, Holley, Stacey, and Justin (& their cute little boy Jack who worked pretty hard in his stroller. He was our cheerleader behind us the whole way!) It makes me want to run more races, nothing big, maybe a 10K in the next year. I don't think Kolby will be joining me, however. He can stick with his P90X and weight lifting! So, it was fun while it lasted! (THANKS HONEY!)

My new swim suit for Hawaii!

I am going to start an official countdown to my Hawaii Vacation (coming up in February), but for now, I thought I'd share this new swim suit that I got on clearance. Isn't it cute? I will be thinking of these polka dots when I'm craving a big piece of chocolate cake, or when I don't want to get on the treadmill!


I haven't been "reporting in" on my blog as often as I used to, but I AM still plugging away with this diet. This last week was good. I kept the mindset of no sugar, but did eat one treat 4 of the 7 days. But I was able to stop and not binge, which is a success for me. I worked out 6 days, didn't ever eat after 8:00 and just kind of plugged away. I did go over on calories; I probably averaged 1700-1800 each day. The fact that I still FELT hungry though, told me I was okay. I wonder if my body is requiring more with 'fat-to-muscle-conversion.' Hopefully that IS the case.

Here are the results of my week:
- LOST 1.5 pounds
- Lost 1 inch off my thighs! (that has occurred over several weeks, I just haven't reported it)
- Lost 1/2 inch off my waist
- HIT my target body fat %!
- Met my 5K goal!

I realize that I am going at a slow rate with this diet, averaging 1 lb of weight loss a week, but, I think maybe it is good to prolong this lifestyle because it is making me more and more committed to monitoring my daily diet and exercise even after I hit my target weight. I think with the ups and downs I have had in the past, that this is the FIRST time I have felt EXCITED, PASSIONATE, and COMMITTED to living a healthy lifestyle. The way I FEEL is completely worth it. I still have a little ways to go to meet me target goal, but this is the closest I've been to my pre-pregnancy weight in nearly 6 years and I feel like I'm in better shape than I was back then. Kolby has mentioned that is is kind of weird how I am working so hard to lose this "pre-pregnancy weight" when I'm probably just going to turn around and get pregnant (hopefully... cross your fingers it will happen when we want), but I feel really good knowing that I will be in a healthier state and that I will be at a better starting point. The ups and downs of weight is just part of being a mother. It's just that THIS time, I am hoping to be smart about the gain so that I won't carry the extra weight around for years!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Sister is Biking to Shaker Heights!

My sister and brother-in-law have recently gotten into biking. They have come up with a goal to "bike" from American Fork Utah, to my house in Shaker Heights Ohio! They are tracking the number of miles they bike each day. Their goal is to make the 1,763-miles "journey" by the end of the year. Check out the story HERE

Monday, October 13, 2008

Best Weekend in a long time...

I am happy to report that I had a sugar free weekend and that I worked out on Saturday (even if it was 1.5 miles at 10:30 at night).  The last couple days of success have been encouraging to me.  I think I am ending up with around 1500 calories each day.  We usually make dinner and it's always hard to track calories with home cooked meals.  

Here is the report for today (so far)
Ran 3 miles (gearing up for my 5K this weekend!)
20 minute abs class
hour long weights class
It is 4:00 and I am at 1050 calories.  
(I will report back later on my final calorie count).

** I have to give a SHOUT out to my support group!  I was a little discouraged after not losing much last week, but I have to say that the psychi of this little support group (between me and my three friends Natalie, Carrie and Sara) has helped me SO much!  They each had great weight loss and I realize that when they have good days, it makes ME  want to have a good day.  I also realize that when I hear of one of them eating something with sugar, I WANT to eat something with sugar.  I started feeling guilty and wondering if the sugar rampage I was on for a couple weeks negatively affected them.  I am using this as motivation to NOT give in.  I tell myself, "this does not affect JUST me, if affects THEM too."  So, thank you girls for helping me (as I said in my email, I would NOT have gotten on that treadmill Saturday night if I didn't have YOU to account to!)  

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday Weigh IN

I had my weekly weigh in today and lost a pound (I think... I was down .4 before I worked out and 1.6 after I worked out, I'm going to count it as a pound). I don't expect that it should have been any better than that considering the bad weekend I had. I know I should feel happy about it, but I am not FEELING like I've lost anything. I am feeling yucky, actually, and bloated. I'm sure it's just bad timing of the month.

Here is my report from the last couple of days:
I think I ended with around 1500 calories. I did eat a couple candy corns and smarties and should feel guilty about it, but instead I felt like I had a little victory by only eating a couple and being able to stop. I didn't work out because I injured my ankle on Monday and tried to give it some rest. I soaked it in epsom salt and braced it and now (two days later) it is already feeling better.

- I did okay, except that even though I stayed with my calorie limit, I did NOT make the healthiest food choices. I need to start tracking how many fruits/vege's I get each day.
- I did the treadmill for an hour and ran 3 miles.

- I did great all day and then went over the calories at date night tonight with dessert. Yup, I ate two sugar cookies. What is my deal? Seriously, I did so well at first and now it seems like I am slacking every day! I REALLY AM going to have to go cold turkey, absolutely NO sugar, no cheating, no anything!
- 45 minute interval class

My goals for the weekend:
- Exercise on Saturday
- 1400 calories each day
- 8 FULL glasses of water/day

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thank Goodness for a New Week

My weekend consisted of a great workout Saturday morning which was BLOWN by kettle corn, apple pie, vanilla ice cream, and trader joe's chocolate. Yeah, I pretty much binged. Last week was my WORST week since starting my diet. Hence the title of this post... THANK GOODNESS FOR A NEW WEEK!

So far so good. I had a good Sunday and stayed within 1400 calories.
Monday (yesterday) was a good day...
- ran 2 miles
- 20 min. abs class
- hour weights class
- 1500 calories

I am feeling really good about this week! I am back to strict guidelines, including: 1400 calorie limit a day, no sugar, exercise every day (5-6 days a week), 8 glasses of water a day, vitamins, and no food after 8:00p.m.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Just Glad I Didn't GAIN!

Well, after my last couple days (especially yesterday), I am just SO GLAD that I didn't GAIN two pounds at weigh in this morning.  I am actually down .4 (I am calling it a half pound).  Normally I'd be bummed about it, but considering that I probably ate 1000 calories for dinner alone yesterday (eating turkey burgers, garlic fries and an arugula salad with a few chocolates and a pack of smarties after), and the fact that I feel totally bloated and emotional from that time of month approaching, I am actually super motivated by it.  I am most motivated by my friend Natalie's loss of 2 pounds!  (Congrats Nat!)  So, here's the report for the last two days:

- BAD (probably 2200-2400 calories)
- hour-long weights class, ran 1 mile

- hour-long triple fit class
- worked out abs for 15 minutes
- ran 1 mile
- protein shake - 350
- raisin bran cereal - 250
- cheese stick - 45
- protein bar - 240
- chick filet grilled sandwich - 210
- cup of fruit - 50
- diet coke - 0
- some fries and sauce - ?? (150)
TOTAL: 1300 calories

**I have had two diet cokes this week, and I have NOT felt good afterward.  They make me feel bloated and too full.  Sure they taste good, but I FEEL so much better when I stick with water.  So, my goal for this coming week... NO DIET COKE!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Willpower is HARD!

I did well yesterday. My biggest success was NOT caving on sugar, since ALL I could think about was giving in. I literally walked into the kitchen 5 or 6 times to grab some chocolate, but turned around and walked out. Willpower is a hard thing!

I went to an early morning triple fit class, but wasn't able to get any weights in. I will get more weight training tomorrow (I'd like to do weights three times a week to work on building muscle as much as building up my cardio).

Today is okay so far. I slept in and only had time to run a mile before running off to journal writing at Jaxson's school. But, I did crank up the speed and ran it a minute faster than I normally do, so that was good.

I am nervous that I won't lose on Friday since I am allowing the extra calories, but we'll see. My mother-in-law said that to burn 1 lb a week, you need to burn twice as many calories as you consume. So, for her, she did a 1200 calorie diet and burned roughly 2400 calories a day. Also, she has a great way to slowly go back to a maintenance diet (which takes 4-6 weeks). I will share the details later.

I have a ways to go before I think about that, however... 10 more lbs! My goal is to have it off in 10 weeks! That puts me at December 15 (roughly).