Monday, October 20, 2008

No Sugar (again)... a RE-COMMITTMENT

My friend Sara encouraged us girls to go OFF sugar again. So, I have re-committed myself. It is exactly what I need AFTER making sugar cookies with my kids over the weekend and sneaking in a daily treat nearly EVERY day last week. Today marks my first day on no sugar. It was a success and I feel optimistic. Here is my report for the day:

Ran 2 miles
20 minute abs class
hour long weights class

1800 calories (estimated)
about 50 ounces of water (I need MORE)

* New goal of mine:
- Eat within an hour of waking up, even if it is just something small (to kick my metabolism in gear), and...
- Do not go longer than 3 hours without eating something


Keersten said...

Good goals! I think I will follow your example. (Except for the sugar; I am not quite ready to go cold turkey on that.)

Carrie Anne said...

love the new goals & i'm realizing they are quite important! way to go on no sugar!!!