Thursday, October 30, 2008

Okay, so I'm a week behind...

I have no idea what has happened to this week!  Okay, actually, I do.  It all started with last Friday's "Trunk or Treat" that our ward did.  I decided I could handle "a few" little candies.  That few turned into a weekend binge for me that I have been recovering from ever since.  I have worked out GREAT every day in my attempts to recover; however, I don't think it will help.  I really will be happy if I stay the same weight as last week at tomorrow's weigh in... we'll see.  

Anyway, aside from the candy fest, I feel like I've done well in the "strength training" department.  I have spent extra time doing weights this week and have increased the amount of weight I've done.  I did plyometrics again this week and came away without the soreness I suffered from last week (success!)  I am also tracking my time on my mile runs and trying to beat it every time.  It has been good to push myself.  I have been walking in between each mile so I can focus on my time.  

After my weekend candy craze I have decided I need some clear set goals for myself.  I have TWO:
1. NO candy or sugar on Halloween (or the weekend following)
2. I am going to lose 5 lbs in 5 weeks!  (By December 1st)  
  * This goal is starting next Monday, since I am still trying to recover from my binge!  
Kolby is taking on this challenge with me, as well as my friend Carrie - so we'll see how it goes!  

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