Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Report

apple - 60
protein shake - 350
brown rice chips - 100
protein bar - 190
popcorn - 200
orange juice - 100
total so far: 1000
oh man - that total was as of 7:00pm.  Then we had dinner (late, as usual) and I probably consumed another 1000 calories!  Why is it so hard to restrain myself.  I was better today and did not snack beforehand.  But the 3 egg omelet full of roasted zucchini, fried ham and cheese (with butter) was more calories than I dare count.  Then on top of that, I had two pieces of french toast (and maybe a little cream on them :)  Okay, so maybe dinner was OVER 1000 calories.  I have got to plan our family dinners better or start showing a little restraint! 

biked 6 miles around neighborhood
ran 1 mile at gym
did exercise machine for 20 minutes
Butts and Gutts class - 20 minutes

3 bottles so far

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Report

Protein Bar - 190
Multi Grain cereal - 180
Homemade Mac and Cheese - 300
Protein Bar - 210
Total so far: 880
 - I learned today that evenings are my hardest right now.  Just before dinner I am hungry and want to snack.  Today I did with brown rice chips (and maybe I snitched some dark chocolate chips).  We had homemade chicken noodle soup and I had two peices of sourdough bread.  I should have only had one.  I am sure between snacking and dinner I went over 1400 today.  I'll do better tomorrow!

4 bottles

Ran 3 miles
Recombanant Bike - 30 minutes
1 hour weights class

10 lbs in 2 months

Okay, anyone reading this (I doubt that there is ONE person) ignore the fact that my last post was over a year ago and believe me when I say that I am really truly hitting the weight loss things serious once again!  My goal - 10 lbs in 2 months.  My deadline - June 15. 

I have been going to the gym now for 3 weeks and started up weights classes.  Since I babysit, I can't go every day like I used to, but I am running in the mornings (when it's not pouring rain outside, which happens more often than I'd like) and am committed to doing one or two P90X workouts at home a week. 

As I have read back over this blog during the time when I was having consistent success in losing the weight, I found myself completely motivated with feelings of "I can DO this again!"  I also remembered the benefits of daily record keeping.  So, even though I doubt anyone will be reading this, I am again going to record the highs and lows (hopefully more "highs" than lows); and maintain an exercise and eating journal. 

Successes so far:
I look my measurements a few weeks ago and have lost an inch off my thighs and 1/2 inch off my arms (this is obviously where I gain weight first).  I was discouraged that nothing came off my midsection which is feeling extremely pathetic as of late.  But I have lost ONE pound and even though I thought it would be more because I felt like I starved myself for 5 days, I kind of deserved it because I binged REALLY bad on Easter candy toward the end of that week.  I also dropped 1% body fat

So, here are my goals:
- eat 1400 calories or less every day
- weights class twice a week
- running 3-4 times a week
- drink 60 ounces of water every day (at least)
- no sugar (I can't even handle a little taste or I end up binging, so I have to cut ALL of it out!) 
- Get down to 18% body fat (or lower :)

Okay, HERE WE GO...