Sunday, February 22, 2009

The "Exclusive" Inside Scoop

I am feeling a great desire to "explain myself" on my slacking with this blog. So, in this post, I will offer my confessions and my re commitment goals... but most important, I will share some BIG news! Hmmm, I'm not sure anything can say it better than a little conversation that took place between Carrie and Jaxson (the kids got to spend some time with them while in Utah)....

Jax: "When my mom's tummy gets bigger I have a secret. But I can't tell."
Carrie: "Oh really? so when your mom's tummy is bigger you have a secret, huh?"
Jax: "Yeah."
Carrie: "So is your mom going to have a baby?"
Jax: "It's a secret so I can't tell."

Ha! So much for having the kids "keep a secret!" It's a good thing we waited until right before our trip to Hawaii to tell them! Emma has leaked the "secret" as well. So... that is the GOOD NEWS! I am 12 weeks and VERY excited! I am not sure I want to announce it to EVERYONE yet, so for you who read this... keep it on the down low for a couple weeks. Actually, that leads to my confessions... you may NOT need to keep it a secret for too much longer because I have been SO BAD and gained way too much weight so far! Hence the reason why I am feeling a GREAT desire to reconnect with this blog. I want to account for my health choices with this pregnancy to be sure I am being smart and making smart choices for my baby. So far, I have given into pregnancy cravings that I have NEVER felt with either of my previous two pregnancies (namely sugar, Sugar and SUGAR!!). I have been a little irresponsible, I think.

From the time I started this blog, I knew I would probably meet my health goals in just enough time to turn around and gain it all back with a pregnancy. Yeah, I wish I could have enjoyed the size 4 pants a little longer, but having reached those goals and feeling the difference in my life, I am now all the more committed to losing the weight quickly after baby number 3 (and not waiting 3 1/2 years!) I am also more committed to staying active through this entire pregnancy, to make healthy eating choices, and do as much as I can for my baby! So, there you have it! Now, for the goals (keep in mind, I know a lot of this is more for ME than for anyone else. In other words, this will make for pretty boring reading)...

I was NOT active with either of my last two pregnancies. I did not track my eating and ended up gaining around 35 pounds (I think almost 40 with Emma). I know that's not a TON, but it took me a long time to lose it. I just lost 17 of the last 20 pounds this past fall/winter with our little fitness forum. After my research on what is "healthy weight gain," I would like to aim for 25 pounds. My mom and sister never gained a pound over 20, but I'm not sure that is realistic for me (especially considering how much I've already gained). Average weight gain for the first trimester is 2-3 pounds. After that you should gain 3-4 pounds a month. In the last three months, I should have only consumed 150-200 calories extra a day. I FAR surpassed that. In the coming months, I should add an extra 300 calories to my daily diet. Here is a break down of where my weight should go:

  • Baby: 7 to 8 pounds
  • Larger breasts: 1 to 3 pounds
  • Larger uterus: 2 pounds
  • Placenta: 1 1/2 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
  • Increased blood volume: 3 to 4 pounds
  • Increased fluid volume: 2 to 3 pounds
  • Fat stores: 6 to 8 pounds
The good news for me is that my appetite is finally starting to get under CONTROL. I am feeling a little more normal (not violently STARVING when I first wake up in the morning). My girlfriend's doctor is keeping her on a very strict diet to control weight gain during her pregnancy and has often had her drop 100-200 calories below her "maintenance caloric intake" level. So, for the next few weeks, I am going to try it. I'd like to maintain my current weight until I'm 16-18 weeks (I am going to be flexible with time goals for now). The important thing for me is to make good food choices and eliminate the JUNK (hard to do after a hardy Christmas and Hawaii trip which consisted to rich desserts EVERY freakin' night! I will just figure that I've filled my bucket on treats for awhile and hope that mindset will give me a little willpower).

I have to laugh at myself while typing all this as I am finishing off my 4th oatmeal cookie for the afternoon. We have gotten into an old habit/tradition of baking on Sunday afternoons with the kids. They will be sad if I put an end to that, so we'll see... maybe I can withstand the temptations and let them bake anyway (I am highly doubting it... I should prepare myself for tears!)

Okay, so starting TOMORROW (you've got to LOVE a new week!) I am making the goal of
1. NO treats, and
2. Maintain a calorie consuption of 2000 calories. (my maintenance intake is 2185).

So, hold me to it girls! I am going to keep my goals centered around EATING for now and keep it simple. Exercise has not been an issue for me (it is my mental therapy amidst this cold winter weather!) In fact I just got a pilates matt and a heart rate monitor for my birthday which I am very excited for! I have a hard time keeping my heart rate as low as I should now (especially in spinning) and don't want to get too high for the baby; as you may know, the fetus can't cool down, and you should never go above 135-140. I easily get up in the 170's with spinning! So, I'm trying to be smart and track it better.

I guess I will mention ONE fitness goal and that is that I want to run a 10K with my friends, Hollie and Sarah in April. I am little nervous and excited about it; but I just keep thinking of Carrie, who ran a half marathon when she was 20+ weeks and feel like I CAN DO IT! I'll just have to go slow! So, I'll keep you apprised on how THAT is going! (I guess I should start running again, eh?)


S. Schuller said...

Congratulations! Great news! I am so excited for you and it's great that you're being so conscientious about your eating and exercise while pregnant. You are doing great and I know how it is with the Sunday baking. I ate myself through the weekend with oatmeal cookies too. Not good, but that's the great thing about this new week, eh? Congrats again. So exciting.

sara said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for you guys. Hope you continue to feel well. :)

Medina Family said...

As always, you are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work and dont be to strict on yourself! Love ya!

Hurst Family said...

I'm so sorry for trying to convience you to do a 10 miler! I didn't know you were pregos! How exciting!!!! Congrats Ali, that is so awesome!

Rachel said...

YOu look great! I don't believe you have gained anything yet! I just read in my pregnancy book that you aren't supposed to do crunches or sit ups after 16 weeks. Just a random tip. I didn't remember that. Also, they say to be really careful about "dieting". Good job being so careful about what you eat though. I am trying to do better too. I swear it is the worst idea to be in your first trimester over Christmas! I felt like I gained a thousand pounds after Christmas break.