I found this great resource for figuring out your daily caloric needs each day (for maintenance, weight loss, and weight gain). It is all based on weight, height, age, and % body fat. There is a link into an excel document at the bottom of this web page. Open it up for a spreadsheet that will calculate the "Katch-McArdle" and the "Harris-Benedict" method for you. (at the top of the spreadsheet, just delete the current weight, height, age, body fat info and type in your own... the rest is automatically calculated).
I hope this is helpful!
Click here for the link (remember to scroll to the very bottom for the spreadsheet link)
Time to start again
12 years ago
1 comment:
okay! thank you for this! very helpful! i wish losing weight wasn't tied so much to counting calories but that is just the truth: eat less! bummer for me!:) i just calculated all my stuff & so now i know what to work on..i'm glad i started weights...i should try to work in another workout or walk during the day...that would be helpful...we'll see what i can fit in! thanks for this!
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