Calorie Total: 1450
Exercise: Urban Iron Weights class
Ran one mile
I had my weekly weigh in with Natalie and I LOST 3 POUNDS!!! I don't think I have ever lost 3 pounds in one week... EVER! It goes to show that counting calories works! Is it hard? Yes! Do I feel hungry? Yes! But it helps me be more conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth, AND to make whatever I eat COUNT both substance-wise (staying full) and nutrition-wise. My other success is that I have lost another inch off my waist (total of two inches since the beginning of summer).
Total weight loss for me so far: 8 pounds
(also since the beginning of summer)
Kolby also realized great success today. We measured him and found that since the beginning of summer, he has lost:
4 inches off his chest
5.5 inches off his waist
4 inches off his hips
Total weight loss for Kolby: 18 pounds!
(next week, he may officially be below 200!)
* Can I just add a side-note saying that it stinks how easy guys can lose weight? Kolby allows himself one treat every day (and sometimes more). He is enjoying some of my favorite treats on a daily basis, including: trader joes - chocolate raisins, blueberries, grahams, almonds and coconut!
Okay, off my rant (I really am proud of you honey). For exercise today, I did an hour "triple-fit" class and en went back to turbo kickboxing (SO FUN! Carrie, I see why you like Turbo Jam so much!)
I am SURE I went over my calories today. I was at 1000 calories by 9:00 p.m., but hadn't eaten dinner yet and was STARVING! My evening was kind of thrown off by the evening kickboxing class I went to. So, we did PF Chang's take-out and I am sure I ate 1000 calories. I am so full right now (a feeling I haven't felt in a long while). But, I am justifying somewhat the fact that I worked out for two hours (is that justifiable?) Anyway, hopefully I'll control the diet better tomorrow!
WAY TO GO!!!!!! I'm so glad you are a Turbo Jam fan now! It is so much fun I think! Seeing how you have measured your inches...I'm thinking I should measure myself, too. That's a really good idea! What do you measure, etc?
I know the calories thing is the best thing! That's really when you start to see results! This is so motivating, so thank you!
You are so awesome! Pamela just recommended a book called the F-factor diet by Tanya Zuckerbrot. It really focuses on getting enough fiber (along with protein and good carbs.) I think you might find some good recipes in it. I am so impressed with how hard you are working. I want to join you as soon as I get this surgery out of the way. Keep up the good work!
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